Cake Sale











On the last Sunday in November, the TY Home Economic Students from St Joseph’s School took over our shop on Spencer street and filled it with their delicious bakes for their annual fundraising Cake sale.

cake-sale-st-josephs-crew-2-7-12-16Under the tutelage and direction from their teachers  Ms. Tuffy,  Ms. McLoughlin and Ms. Hurley, the girls commenced preparation for the Bake Sale on Tuesday the 22nd of November by making the cookie dough. On Friday, 15 students gave up their time, energy and skills for a days work and baked and packaged the cookies, sliced the rocky road, made crumble and weighed all the ingredients which Rua supplied that would be needed for their Sunday bake off! cake-sale-biccis-7-12-16

At 7 am on Sunday morning, 24 students piled into the Home Ec. kitchen at their school and started baking for the bake sale later that day. The day was hectic but productive and the students worked non-stop. Another group of 12 TY students – the Sales team –  arrived at Rua in groups of 4 per session and took care of business, meeting and serving the eager customers with all the baked goods, which consisted of Brownies, Rocky Road, Coffee and Walnut squares, Apple Crumble, cookies, Lemon Madeira and Orange Drizzle squares. The day was a huge success and with all the cakes selling out,  the initiative raised much needed funds for the school.

Rua was proud to host this talented class of bakers for another great Cake Sale, and happy to help supply them with all the ingredients for the cakes. Thanks also to suppliers La Rousse , Pallas, Lavin’s fruit, Musgraves, Aurivo Dairy and Claremorris Free Range Eggs for their sponsorship of ingredients.





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