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         Here’s some pics from the pop up  that we did with Kai  crew in Galway last week in the gorgeous space at Massimo in Galway’s Westend. ….and we even got a few hours sunshine!  Big thanks to Mal . Karen and all at Massimo who will continue to run these wonderful monthly SOUL SESSIONS throughout the summer . Jess, Dave and the entire KAI crew were so brilliant on the night and made the event so enjoyable to do…

Seamus’ Shucka’ Sheridan did a sterling job on the oysters and big thanks to Ciarán Carrick and Rory Mac for capturing the event with some great pictures…

               Great to represent the Mayo producers on the night….thanks again to Jess and The Kai crew for making  their outstanding produce shine.

CLew bay Shellfish (Westport) , Velvet Cloud (Claremorris) , Glasrai (Hollymount) for the veg , Pat Carolan (Castlebar)
Dozio Cheese, Andarl Farm (Brickens) Pork , Stephen Gould (Headford) Salad, Gleann Bui (Aghamore) for the Milk,
Roisin Curley (Ballyhaunis) for the Wine


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It’s marmalade time .

The proper homemade version takes a bit of a time but is so much better than the factory made stuff that it really is worth the effort. It’s unique flavour comes form the deliciously tangy Seville oranges which are only around for a few weeks just after Christmas each year.   There’s a dizzying amount of recipes out there and much debate on wether or not to ‘cut first’ or ‘boil first’ when approaching the hands on task of slicing the peel. We  like this version from Felicity Cloake which follows tradition and starts with juicing the fruit and then slicing the peel pre boil. Controversially, the recipe also includes light muscovado sugar which gives a noticeably darker colour rather than just using plain sugar. 

It’s very handy to have a sugar or digital kitchen thermometer for getting the setting point right. Jam makers with more experience then myself seem to easily gauge the setting point using the saucer and freezer method, but i think the thermometer takes the guess work out of it.You should be taking the marmalade off between 104 and 105 C, which most agree is the ideal setting point for marmalade. Hold your nerve and don’t be tempted to take it off before this .


Makes approximately 2.1Kg in weight.

(7 X 400 g Kilner Jars or just over 9 small 225g jam jars)

1kg Seville oranges

1 lemon

1kg light muscovado sugar

1kg granulated white sugar

1 piece of muslin

1. Juice all the oranges oranges and lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the pan, but use a sieve or similar to save all the pith and seeds.

2. Put your piece of muslin into a bowl and spoon the pips and pith into it. Shred your peel to desired thickness and add any more flesh or loose pith to the muslin.  Put the peel into the pan with juice ,  and tie the muslin bag up tightly and add that too. Pour over 2.5l of water, bring to the boil and then simmer gently for 2 hours. The peel should be soft.

3. Remove the muslin bag and allow to cool in a bowl. Wait until it’s cool enough to handle the bag for squeezing , or if you want to come back and fish the marmalade much later, then turn off  the pan and  come back later. Meanwhile, sterilise your jars by giving them a wash and drying in the oven. If using the ‘saucer’ method to test setting point, put them in freezer now.

4. Bring the marmalade back to a simmer, and squeeze the muslin bag hard into it Stir in the gloopy juice that comes form bag , add the sugars and stir well until dissolved.

5  Turn the heat up and boil rapidly until the marmalade reaches setting point – a sugar thermometer will be helpful here (start checking when it reaches 104C) . You can check this by putting a spoon of marmalade onto one of the plates from the freezer . Put the plate back in fridge for another minute with marmalade and if it crinkles when you run a finger through it, and your finger leaves a clear line in the preserve, it’s ready. Give it 5 more minutes if it’s not ready.

6. Once done, let it rest for 15 minutes, and then pour into jars and seal immediately



Our first floor space at Spencer street is filled with lots of gorgeous Irish made gifts, some wonderful new wines and, of course ,  Rua hampers.

We are stocking Irish beeswax candles from Brookfield Farm  candles from Alainn (mayo), Badly made Books notebooks(Cork), Millbee reusable food wraps (Offaly), Lots of chocolate, Irish letterpress cards from The pear in Paper – and loads more including Aeropress, keep cups and Chilly’s reusable bottles.

We have chosen some great new wines for your Christmas table too, including the new vintage from Róisín Curley. A great selection of port, sherry and an Irish perry from Killahora too – pop upstairs for a look. 

We have brand new hamper boxes this year also, which come in 2 sizes for the ultimate Bosca Rua – ready to be filled with all your favourites – for all your favourites.


 Visit us online at

• Follow the link for ‘Click and Collect’ Hampers
• Choose your hampers, pay and get your pick up time

Alternatively, you can call us at Rua on 094 9286072, tell us what you’d like to spend on your Hamper and we can have your order ready for collection at our shop on Spencer St. with 24 hours notice

Click here for national DELIVERY options on our BOSCA NOLLAG and BEST of the WEST Hampers

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