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Rua ‘Bank Holiday Bag’ Delivery

An ideal gift to send to a friend or relative locally to let them know you’re thinking of them.

We are delivering the bag on both Friday 29th and Saturday 30th within a 5km distance of Spencer Street. We are delivering the bag within a 20km radius of Spencer Street on Saturday 30th.

The Bank Holiday Bag includes:

  • a lemon loaf cake with mascarpone icing, lemon curd, pistachio & raspberries
  • a loaf of brown soda
  • a pot of Rua herby hummus
  • a jar of Rua chutney
  • a packet of Kilbeggan Irish cookies
  • a pack of Skelligs Irish chocolates (various flavours)
  • with a handwritten note

Delivered for €35

You can also have the option to add (as per picture)
1. A bottle of our beautiful Italian house wine (red il Casolare or white Fugatti Pinot Grigio) + €14 *pictured
2. An Irish soy wax candle by clean slate + €17.95 *pictured
You may, of course, add any other items to your delivery .. check out

If you wish to pre-order this for this weekend we would recommend having an order in early as possible.
For Friday 29th delivery within 5k of Spencer Street, we must have your order in by Thursday 28th May at 2pm
For Saturday 30th delivery within 20km of Spencer Street we must have your order by Friday 29th at 2pm.

To order:
email us with ‘ BANK HOLIDAY BAG’ in the heading. With your name, delivery address (including eircode) and your phone number – we will then call you back to confirm all the details.
*please note that all items are subject to availability
**picture shows BHB with the added extra items


Bank Holiday Burger Kit

Available from the shop this weekend. Ready to cook at home

• 4 Castlemine Farm burgers
• 4 Blaa Buns
• A tub of wild garlic Mayo
• A tub of pickles
• A bag of Steve’s organic leaves


Wild Atlantic Words with Jess Murphy

Text message 18/9/2019
‘I’ve totally f*****d up my dates and double booked myself, and I’m too scared to call you, have ya got a backup plan?’

There is no backup plan for the brilliant Jess Murphy, our very special guest for this years ’WILD ATLANTIC WORDS‘ literary festival here in Castlebar. nd so, the issue of the originally double-booked date was overcome by simply organising the event for a few days earlier

Jess is head chef and along with her husband Dave, is co-owner of KAI café and restaurant on Sea Road in Galway.
Approaching its 10th year, KAI (‘nestled in between a church and a gay bar’), this Galway icon has received countless awards, including a Michelin BIB Gourmand.

For years, Jess has been a noted and consistent champion of small Irish food producers, and this work was recognized last year when she was announced as the Blas na hEireann food champion 2019.

As Irish Times food columnist, her literary credentials for the WILD ATLANTIC WORDS FESTIVAL were undoubtedly in place, but it was also very exciting to hear Jess tell us about her work with a project that documents the food stories of the many immigrants and nationalities that now call Ireland their home. ‘Here’ promises to be a unique recipe collection which Jess hopes will be in print by next year.

Enthusiastically engaging with the ‘Desert Island Disc’ format of the evening, Jess also revealed for us her 5 favourite cookbooks/ food writers which she listed as follows …

‘Crazy Water, pickled lemons’ by Diana Henry
‘The prawn cocktail years’, by Simon Hopkinson and Lindsey Bareham
‘You’re all invited’ by Margot Henderson

‘Moro’ by Sam & Sam Clarke

‘The Kitchen Diaries’ by Nigel Slater

Discussing her love for these books and the recipes therein, Jess simultaneously gave us an account of her culinary journey to date from New Zealand to Galway. It was a great evening, with plenty of wonderful stories, and we’re extremely grateful to Jess for making the trip to us in Castlebar despite having to change her dates, come via Tullamore and nurse a full-on dose of the flu.

She left us with the promise to return for a Friday night pop up sometime in 2020 and with an Apple tart in hand, baked by Ann Mc Mahon earlier that day in her honour.


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